Las voces del Erasmus en la UCM

Vicedecano de Relaciones Institucionales, Prácticas y Movilidad de la Facultad de CC. de la Información de la UCM sobre el Programa Erasmus. Atendió a UNED Radio para explicar el programa Erasmus…


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Why Starting With a Tiny Seed is Important for Growth?

How Medium can help us grow personally and in our faith

I see how we can reach others and learn from one another.

When I ran my personal blog I had interaction. But my blog didn’t seem to want to grow. It was stuck at 300 followers. That’s when I decided to make Medium my main writing platform.

Then I joined other publications as a writer. That was exciting.

I waited. I heard about setting up my own publication. That task seemed bigger than I wanted.

We have been friends for years since God brought us together at a writers’ conference. Both of us have dabbled in writing. Sometimes more industriously than others. But Kimberley is administratively gifted. I am not. I like connecting, and praying, writing and art.

We talked.

All of a sudden we were setting up a Publication. We were finding our first writers. Now we have 53 writers.

And we found followers. Now we have 178 of them.

Today I read two passages that helped me see about growth.

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